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Stop wasting time with inefficient training.
Have confidence in what you are doing is right.
Have a plan, train smart and achieve your goals.

These plans have been designed and constructed by Sport Scientist and Performance Coach Matty Graham of Exponential Performance Coaching to provide a step by step guide to physically prepare beginner – intermediate athletes for the 3, 6 or 9 hour races at the Spring Challenge adventure race. 


These training plans are built so you get the best results for the time you invest into your training.


The 8 week periodised training plans will guide you day to day while you prepare for the Spring Challenge so you can train and recover effectively to get the results you deserve.


Information on training and racing nutrition will help you fuel your body for the challenges of this demanding sport, while guidance on your skill development will ensure you have all of the right boxes ticked for race day.


These plans are designed to build off the general training plan outlined on the Spring Challenge Website.



All of these training plans are run through the online Training Peaks software so you can access it from your computer or smart phone with the FREE Training Peaks App or print out a hard copy.

All training plans include

  • Free Training Peaks account so you can plan and track your training

  • Daily email reminders about your training sessions so you can train with focus and maximise your time

  • An 8 week progressive periodised plan designed specifically for the Spring Challenge adventure race depending on your chosen race

  • Detailed daily training sessions to so you know you are developing the right fitness and skills for the Spring Challenge adventure race

  • Stretching guidelines to keep your body performing at its best

  • Videos of different gym training sessions so you can prepare yourself for the unique demands of adventure racing

  • Tips on developing critical race skills you will need to develop


+ FREE Nutrition E-Handbook

Don’t hit the wall or get that ‘hollow leg’ feeling again!


Sign up for any one of the Spring Challenge training plans TODAY and receive a FREE 4 page E-handbook on training and racing nutrition.







Cost: $60 USD*


Pay via credit card through the secure Training Peaks website

 *Price is in USD due to Training Peaks being an American software, but all    of the training plans are designed and made in NZ :)

Choose a plan to suit your goal event
South Island - 9 Hour


South Island - 6 Hour


South Island - 3 Hour


North Island - 6 Hour


North Island - 9 Hour


North Island - 3 Hour


I first met Matty in January 2013, at one of his Speights Coast to Coast training camps.  I was blown away by Matty’s extensive knowledge of the race, multisport, nutrition & how one could better themselves as an endurance athlete.  That camp became my crash course in learning about the Coast to Coast – not long prior to which I thought it was like some sort of triathlon based out of Queenstown – and was a key contributor to my Two Day record breaking success.  


In May 2013 I jumped on board the Exponential Performance Coaching train & never looked back.  I came to Matty with two goals.  One being to win the Speights Coast to Coast Longest Day, the other being to get on New Zealand’s best adventure racing team. 


I knew to achieve these goals I was going to have to commit 1 million percent and what I liked about Matty is that he took my goals as seriously as I did – he gave me a comprehensive program that took into account my current abilities & weaknesses, a gym program to combat my forever niggly knees, and nutrition advice that I have since incorporated into my daily living.


As a coach Matty is next level.  He understands that when someone commits to a goal or entering an event in advance, that they are committing themselves to a new style of life and to a certain vulnerability to the outcome of that goal or event.  The journey to that goal or event outcome brings challenges both mental & physical, and it is one I believe Matty genuinely wants to share with you, providing you the tools you need to get it done.


Both of my goals were realized early in 2014, where I won the Longest Day & became a member of Team NZ Adventure, which I believe to be not only be one of New Zealand’s best staged adventure racing teams, but one of the Worlds best.   I know none of this would have been possible without Matty’s support, of which I am very grateful.  


I believe no matter what your goals are - to finish an event, to win an event, break a record or to just undertake a new healthy lifestyle - having a coach like Matty in your life will ensure you make the most of it.



Jess Simson, 2015 & 14 World Multisport Champion (Speights Coast to Coast Longest Day), Two Day Speights Coast to Coast Record holder, member of Team NZ Adventure & much much more.

Ordinary people doing extraordinary things with the help of Exponential Performance Coaching.
See more testamonials HERE

Please note:

  • Physical exercise and other forms of physical activity can be dangerous, especially if performed without medical advice, proper supervision and/or pre-exercise evaluation.

  • It is advised that you consult your physician or health care professional before performing any exercise, especially if you have any chronic or recurring conditions, and/or if you are pregnant, nursing, or elderly.

  • All training and exercise you perform you perform at your own responsibility and at your own risk. The editors, authors and or publishers of the Exponential Performance Coaching website, articles, training plans and videos disclaim any responsibility from any adverse effects of consequences from this training plan.

  •  Results cannot be guaranteed from following these training plans and results may vary between individuals.


If you have any questions or would like help taking your performance to the next level please contact Matty Graham below.



Lake Hawea



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