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Debilitating cramps, hitting the ‘wall’, no strength on the climbs, empty legs and not being able to hit top race speed off the start line.

These are all comments that can be heard at the Motatapu finish line.

People put hours and hours into their training and invest thousands in their bike and gear only to be disappointed again and again by their performance on the day.

Sound familiar?

All of these problems are caused from simple mistakes made in training, recovery, nutrition and not to mention the all important taper period before the race. More often than not these people have trained hard, but the structure of their self-guided training and recovery leaves their body unable to gain its optimal performance due to not doing the right training at the right time. Second to this, little attention is given to their taper phase and nutrition which are two things that can make or break race day.


Sport Scientist and Endurance Coach Matty Graham of Exponential Performance Coaching provides step by step training plans to physically prepare you to compete at your peak in the Motatapu MTB race. 


“Every year leading into summer I have an influx of new athletes coming into my office unhappy with their last years result at the Motatapu despite training hard all summer using 'self directed' training.


I hear the same story over and over again. The same simple mistakes made in training, recovery and nutrition mean most people are limiting their performance before they even reach the start line!


I have put these 9 week training plans together to help people who want to maximise their training time and achieve their goals at this spectacular race.”


Sport Scientist and Endurance Coach Matty Graham of Exponential Performance Coaching provides step by step training plans to physically prepare you to compete at your peak condition in the Motatapu. 

‘Breakthrough Performance' training plan

This plan is for those elite riders or competitive sport riders wanting to 'breakthrough' and take their performance to the next level.

‘Personal Best' training plan

Ideal for those competing in the ‘Sport’ category of the Motatapu who want to set a personal best result. 

‘No Sweat’ training plan

Ideal for the first timer who wants to  complete the event ‘no sweat’ or those who are returning to the race wanting to better their previous time.

FREE 4 week introduction base training plan

Get your FREE 4 week introduction Motatapu base training plan.

Try before you buy and get yourself in good condition so you get the most out of your Motatapu training plan.


Choose between 3 FREE 4 week training plans depending on your race goals.

Plans run from 10th December 2018 - 6th January 2019


All of these training plans are run through the online Training Peaks software so you can access it from your computer or smart phone with the FREE Training Peaks App or print out a hard copy.

All training plans include

  • Free Training Peaks account

  • A 9 week (7th January-10th March 2019) progressive periodised training plan designed specifically for the Motatapu

  • Daily email reminders about your training sessions 

  • Detailed daily training sessions to develop specific fitness and skills for the Motatapu

  • Stretching guidelines to target key areas

  • Field testing notes calculate your personalised heart rate training zones



+ FREE Nutrition E-Handbook

Don’t hit the wall or get that ‘hollow leg’ feeling again!


Sign up for any one of the Motatapu training plans training plans TODAY and receive a FREE 4 page E-handbook on training and racing nutrition.

Cost: $44.99 USD*


Preview and buy training plans BELOW

'No Sweat' Plan

'Personal Best' Plan

'Breakthrough Performance' Plan


Pay via credit card through the secure Training Peaks website

 *Price is in USD due to Training Peaks being an American software

Please note:

  • Physical exercise and other forms of physical activity can be dangerous, especially if performed without medical advice, proper supervision and/or pre-exercise evaluation.

  • It is advised that you consult your physician or health care professional before performing any exercise, especially if you have any chronic or recurring conditions, and/or if you are pregnant, nursing, or elderly.

  • All training and exercise you perform you perform at your own responsibility and at your own risk. The editors, authors and or publishers of the Exponential Performance Coaching website, articles, training plans and videos disclaim any responsibility from any adverse effects of consequences from this training plan.

  •  Results cannot be guaranteed from following these training plans and results may vary between individuals.


If you have any questions or would like help taking your performance to the next level please contact Matty Graham below.



Lake Hawea



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