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Contact Epic 'Breakthrough'

Training Plan


If you are ready to breakthrough to that next level with your riding then this is the training plan for you.


The training sessions in this plan have been designed using the latest sport science research along with tried and tested training methods allowing you to get out the best benefit for the time you put in.


Your training plan is periodised so you start with a 4 week base phase to develop your strength endurance and metabolic efficiency. This will be achieved through a combination of sustained hill intervals, double day training and nutrient deprivation training sessions which will jump start your body’s ability to produce its own energy. This is then followed by a 5 week speed phase working on your anaerobic threshold through specific high intensity intervals, before tapering your training leading into race day.


Your training plan is designed so you load your body with training stress (longer and harder training sessions) during LOAD weeks while during your RECOVERY weeks your training stress will be reduced so your body is able to recover and adapt to the training you did in your LOAD weeks.


Weekly training duration in this plan vary from 8 – 11 hours 45 min during your LOAD weeks and 4 - 5 hours during your RECOVERY weeks. 






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If you have any questions or would like help taking your performance to the next level please contact Matty Graham below.



Lake Hawea



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