What I ate and used for my Everesting
Check out what lights I used to ride through the night, what I ate and how I kept my Garmin charged for 18 hours of riding.
How you can ride up Mt Everest anywhere in the world.
Best Garmin data fields
What are the best data fields to show on your training device while training?
Are you confused about what you should and should not be eating?
There is so much mixed information around on the internet and popular media about what you should and mostly about what you should not be...
An athlete's function is one of those things that is taken for granted until it is not working properly. If you have ever had an injury,...
Do you pay any attention to your recovery?
Now I am not talking about thinking if you are tired or not from training or if you should get some extra sleep. I am talking about are...
Should you listen to music while training?
Should you listen to music while you are training or are you better to leave your ipod at home? What is your most burning training or...
How to improve your power to weight ratio
Following on from last week we take a look at how you can improve your power to weight ratio on the bike. What is your most burning...
Power to Weight Ratio
Most people have heard of power to weight ratio and have some concept of what it means. But how do the numbers stack up in the real...
Increased Heart Rate in the Heat
Welcome to the 31st edition of Whiteboard Wednesday. In this weeks Whiteboard Wednesday we take a look at why heart rate is often higher...