Is High Intensity Interval Training JUNK Training?
The terms, quality and junk training get used a lot. But what is a quality session and what is a junk session? High Intensity Interval...
VO2max and Anaerobic Threshold
In this video we take a look at VO2max and Anaerobic Threshold which are terms that are often talked about and you will often see them...
Winter Indoor Training
The weather in Dunedin over the last few weeks have been shocking and I have been spending quite a lot of time on the wind trainer. After...
High and Low Heart Rates During Training
Have you ever noticed that some days when you head out training your heart rate in through the roof and you hardly feel like you are...
Active Recovery: Are you doing it right?
Recovery is one of the most important training principles, yet it is the one that endurance athletes tend to neglect the most (Check out...
Training micro-cycles
In this video we explore the different ways of periodising your micro-cycles depending on who you are and the other things you have going...
Training for a 1100 km MTB Race
I have had a lot of questions about my training and preparation for the Great Southern Brevet. In this article I thought I would open up...