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In this Episode 

- Over training: 2:07

  • Over training is actually quite hard to research as it takes a long time to develop and it is also not overly ethical to put healthy people in to an over trained state


  • Over training is very multi factorial - there and many different factors that feed into the over training equation


  • Functional over reaching is a normal part of a well planned training programme when it is matched with adequate recovery


  • You need to take a break from the training load that is causing the problem


  • For many endurance athletes it is the high aerobic load that causes an imbalance in your stress hormonal.


  • Ease back and make sure you keep your heart rate or power down


  • Sleep is key. If you are in an over trained state it is likely that you are not sleeping well


  • Sleep is when your body repairs itself  and balances out our stress hormones


  • It is no real surprise that nature helps reduces your stress levels. Get out in nature while you are not smashing yourself


  • Get a different training stimulus. If you do a lot of huffing and puffing like all endurance athletes do, think about doing less huffing and puffing and more...grunting, strength training helps boost your anabolic hormones


  • If you think you have got over training syndrome you probably do


  • It's a good time to get a nutritionist on board to have a third party look at what is going into your mouth


- Mind set and positive thinking:16:07

  • The cool thing about the human brain is that we get to choose how we respond in any given situation. It is your choice in that moment


  • How do you think about hills? Do you hate them because they are hard or do you see them as an opportunity to use the hills to make you better


  • Mind set is all about setting your mind in the course you want it to be. If you are having a bad day you can change that in an instance with your mind set


  • If you don't like something change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it


  • It is very detrimental to our health to be angry all of the time. We get to pick if we spread positivity or negativity


  • We all know an angry Andy


  • Even if you don't have a good race you can still get something out of it as long as you look it in a positive way


  • Control your reactions and choose how you want your interactions with friends and family


- Training Plan Sneak Peek: 32:04


- Quick Tip: Banded side stepping: 34: 26

  • Putting the band around your feet rather than your ankles creates more glute activation


  • This is what I like about science, there is always new research coming out that helps you refine what you are doing




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If you have any questions or would like help taking your performance to the next level please contact Matty Graham below.



Lake Hawea



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